Hosting a diaper drive can be a fun and tangible way to give back to your community and support families in need. One organization that helps with this effort is Bottoms Up Diaper Bank, a non-profit organization that provides diapers to families in need. To get started hosting your own diaper drive, set your goals for the drive - how many diapers you hope to collect and whether you want to focus on a specific size or age range. Promote your drive through social media, email, and word of mouth, and consider creating flyers or posters to hang in your community. Set a date and location that is convenient for people to drop off donations. Make it easy for people to donate by providing boxes or bins for them to drop off their contributions. Don't forget to show your appreciation for the donations and let donors know how their contributions will make a difference and help support the work of Bottoms Up Diaper Bank.
Get in on the fun and become
Bottoms Up Diaper Driver by hosting a diaper drive
at your church, organization, or place of business.
Bottoms Up Diaper Driver by hosting a diaper drive
at your church, organization, or place of business.

If you would like to help to support mothers in need by hosting a diaper drive, please contact Bottoms Up by calling 740-808-6131 today!
Sign up to hold a diaper drive
Sign up to hold a diaper drive